Reading Disorders
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Venice, South Bay, Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Pasadena and all of Greater Los Angeles
What is a Reading Disorder
Reading disorders can be classified under language based delays and disorders because it represents an area of receptive language abilities which requires the integration of the basic core language skills.
Dyslexia is a learning disability that interferes with an individual’s ability to read and occasionally comprehend written text as well as difficulties with language processing abilities.
Not all reading disorders are dyslexia.
Dyslexia is mainly due to difficulties with word recognition. This may be due to poor phonological skills such as segmenting and blending sounds, poor sound-symbol correspondences, poor decoding skills, poor spelling, poor vocabulary, and poor sight word knowledge. Language deficits are typically in the areas of phonology and semantics.
Reading Comprehension Deficits
Also known as Specific Reading Comprehension Deficits occur when the individual reads successfully but is not able to comprehend the meaning of what they are reading. This may be due to a variety of things such as poor vocabulary knowledge, poor inferencing skills, inability to derive meaning from context, poor figurative language skills. Typically these individuals have deficits across all the domains of language except phonological skills.
- Common Signs and Symptoms of a Reading Disorder
- Avoidance or dislike of reading
- Difficulties sounding words out
- Difficulties associating letters with the sound they make
- Delayed speech and or language development
- Articulation deficits and pronunciation problems
- Difficulties rhyming words
- Slow when reading out loud
- Makes consistent errors in reading and spelling (ie. b/d confusion).