
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Venice, South Bay, Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Pasadena and all of Greater Los Angeles

CogniFit is a brain training app designed to improve your daily performance with a series of games that stimulate neuronal activity. Backed by more than 20 years of research, the app includes training programs that can improve focus, coordination, and memory. Brain training games are well-known for their ability to improve cognitive function (1) and this noninvasive therapy has helped many patients enhance their quality of life from the comfort of their own homes.

At NeuroZone, Erin Badour has helped many patients improve their well-being with innovative, noninvasive treatments designed to enhance performance. With a simple training program that requires only a few hours of practice each week, you can completely transform your life and mental agility.

Contact our office or call (310) 821-3640 to learn more about how a fun, simple treatment can transform your cognitive function from the comfort of your own home.

How CogniFit Works

If you are struggling to stay focused or think clearly, CogniFit is a fun, interactive way to improve your mental abilities. The CogniFit app identifies your cognitive strengths and areas for improvement with a report based on your game performance. With a series of digital games, you can train your brain to focus more effectively.

CogniFit offers programs for children and adults to improve daily performance. The treatment begins with a cognitive assessment that analyzes more than 20 different cognitive functions. Erin can use the assessment to understand how your brain works and create a treatment plan to help you find relief from the symptoms you are struggling with.

Types of CogniFit Treatments

Erin can recommend different types of treatments based on your symptoms and underlying conditions. If you have a condition such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, or stress, retraining your brain to enhance your focus and ability to concentrate can help you in many aspects of your daily life. The ability to think critically and clearly can also improve your personal and professional relationships. CogniFit offers a series of games that can improve your performance in several key areas:

  • Perception
  • Coordination
  • Memory
  • Concentration
  • Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension

CogniFit Benefits

There are several benefits to a CogniFit treatment, including:

  • Improved focus: CogniFit can help you improve your focus and attention span with customizable games based on your needs.
  • Better coordination: CogniFit can improve hand-to-eye coordination to make participating in sports and exercise easier.
  • Quick, convenient treatment: You can incorporate the treatment into a busy schedule, making it ideal for individuals of most ages.
  • Convenient, noninvasive treatment: You can retain your brain from the comfort of your own home and follow up with Erin regularly to monitor your progress.
  • Fun, interactive games: The engaging games are designed to help you improve your brain function without invasive therapies.
  • Personalized treatment plan: Erin can recommend games based on your symptoms to improve your quality of life.
  • Enhanced mental clarity: Many patients are able to think more clearly with regular training sessions designed to help them improve their performance.
  • Improved concentration: You can train your brain to focus for longer periods with a series of personalized games designed to specifically target your symptoms.
  • Long-lasting results: With a regular treatment plan, we can help you develop new habits to improve your quality of life.

Candidates & Consultation

During your consultation, Erin will ask about your symptoms to develop a personalized plan for your needs. If you have any conditions that affect your mental performance, she will need to know to adjust your treatment plan. She will also ask about your lifestyle and how you are feeling on a daily basis to establish a starting point to help you enhance your performance. Since the treatment can help both adults and children, she can discuss the best series of games based on your symptoms and age to help you improve.

CogniFit can also improve the cognitive performance of aging adults who are experiencing declining levels of mobility. (2) Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing, she may recommend neurofeedback therapy or brain mapping to ensure she selects the best treatment plan for your needs. If certain events trigger your symptoms, she may recommend that you avoid these triggers during your treatment to help your body recover. To learn more about the additional treatments we offer for improving your cognitive function, see our blog.

Treatment Protocol

During a CogniFit treatment, you will play a series of games to optimize your brain function, and Erin will analyze your performance over time. You can access the games on the CogniFit app without the need for a headset or any other gaming accessories. Based on your performance, you will receive a score from the app that Erin can use to monitor your progress during your treatment. She can adjust your protocol over time to help you enhance your hand-eye coordination, ability to focus, and short-term memory.

Most patients will need to train with the app at least three times each week for approximately 20 minutes. You can retrain your brain from the comfort of your own home and follow up with Erin as she recommends.

Progressive Treatment

As you play more games and your performance improves, your CogniFit score will improve. Erin can continually adjust your treatment plan and monitor your progress, selecting the best series of games for your needs to reduce your symptoms. Over time, the app generates a report based on your performance that can help you identify areas for improvement and patterns that are affecting your ability to function effectively.

CogniFit Results

It can take several weeks for the games to improve your cognitive function, and you will need to play the games that Erin recommends consistently to improve your performance. Over time, you can enjoy improved memory, heightened attention, mental clarity, and enhanced coordination. Some patients may notice that their academic performance improves or that they can function more effectively at work. Others may experience an improvement in their intimate relationships or find that retraining their brain helps to mitigate attention concerns caused by underlying conditions such as ADHD or autism.

Additional Treatments

Brain Mapping

Brain mapping is an evaluation of your brain’s structure and activity that can help Erin understand more about the symptoms you are experiencing. With brain mapping, she can analyze how your brain works to create a specialized treatment plan and identify any repetitive behaviors or thought patterns to help you improve your well-being. If Erin recommends brain mapping as part of your treatment plan, you will need to avoid stimulants such as caffeine beforehand. You will also need to avoid alcohol because it can interfere with the mapping process.

David Delight

David Delight optimizes your brain waves with audio-visual entrainment technology (AVE) to improve your daily performance. With pulsing lights and biannual beats, this noninvasive treatment helps your brain experience healthier brainwave patterns that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve cognitive performance. During the treatment, you will need to wear an eye set consistently at home for several weeks as directed. The convenient treatment can help you improve your energy, sleep, and mood for long-lasting results.


Myndlift is another app that retrains your brain with a series of games, but it does so by adjusting the games in real-time based on your brain’s electrical impulses. During the treatment, you will wear a headset with small electrodes that measure your brain’s activity and communicate with the Myndlift app to adjust the pace of the games based on your performance. There are several conditions that the Myndlift app can help with, including OCD, alcoholism, PTSD, addiction, depression, and insomnia.

To learn more about the additional treatments we offer, see our blog!

The Cost of CogniFit in Los Angeles

The cost of CogniFit will depend on your specific treatment plan and the number of sessions you will need. Erin will need to closely analyze your progress and adjust the games as you improve. Contact our office in Culver City, Santa Monica, or Redondo Beach, or call (310) 821-3640 to learn more about how CogniFit can transform your well-being and help you improve your quality of life.


Is CogniFit safe?

Yes, CogniFit is an effective, noninvasive treatment designed to improve your cognitive function with a series of games. The treatment does not require downtime, incisions, or a recovery period.

Is CogniFit difficult?

CogniFit is not difficult. Games are recommended based on your skill level and desired results. Your gradual improvement will allow you to tackle harder challenges with ease.

How often will I need to follow up with the office during CogniFit appointments?

We can let you know how often you will need to schedule follow-up appointments based on your personalized treatment plan.

How long will the results of CogniFit last?

If you take good care of yourself, you can enjoy long-lasting results. However, for ongoing conditions that affect your mental function, we may recommend a long-term treatment plan.


  1. Al-Thaqib A, Al-Sultan F, Al-Zahrani A, et al. Brain Training Games Enhance Cognitive Function in Healthy Subjects. Medical science monitor basic research. 2018;24:63-69. doi:
  2. Verghese J, Mahoney JR, Ayers E, Ambrose A, Wang C, Holtzer R. Computerised cognitive remediation to enhance mobility in older adults: a single-blind, single-centre, randomised trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity. 2021;2(9):e571-e579. doi: